Oh by the way, I met the coolest woman in the world two days ago. Cupcakes for you if you know who she is (You should..)
Sorry for not updating, when I said that I would. It has been quite hectic lately. And it still is. So I'm still on a little hiatus. But I'll come back as soon as I can!
Hope to see you soon, Luna
lørdag 8. november 2008
I'm back! But right now I'm in Paris, visiting my bestfriend. And I'm having a blast. When I get back to Norway, I'll update with photos and more.
Jeg heter Luna, fyller 20 år og er en relativt glad person. Har alltid blogget på Engelsk, men ble lei. Bortsett fra det så liker jeg; fotografi, musikk, filmer, dokumentarer, kunst, dyr, reising, ebay, venner, mote og shopping. :)