søndag 18. mai 2008

In about..ten minutes I'm going to Oslo with my beloved mother. We're going to See Robert Plant and Alison Krauss in concert. How exciting!

11 kommentarer:

Angie hearts sa...

Hi Thanks so much for the support, of course I would love to exchange link!

Have fun at the concert! and just have to add that the Luella shirt and dress are wonderful so cute~!

Anonym sa...

God tur!

anna sa...

Svar: Självklart vill jag dela länkar :D! Du hamnar på min lista direkt, din blogg är helt underbar ! :D

Kira Aderne sa...

wow, robert plant?

a legend!

a kiss!!!

have a nice time!

ROBOTS sa...

About Music? HERE !!!


Blomsterplukker, vinterbarn. sa...

ALLISON !? :O åååh. heldig!
fine bilder!

saray sa...

Nice pics :)
enjoy the concert !

Matilde sa...

lucky bastard! søte bilder

Wendy sa...

I probably have already mentioned, but I love those sunglasses!

eline sa...

je m´apelle eline. hihi. men jaa.. kule solbriller:)

Anonym sa...

Åh, Willy Wonka/Kurt Cobain solbriller! :D